Natural cleaning products and ingredients are a surefire way to keep your home sparkling, without the negative side-effects of conventional detergents. But it takes time and determination to change your mindset and move away from the “big brand” cleaners many of us have grown up with.

Modern society has been greatly influenced by an endless stream of advertising by big companies looking to sell us their household cleaners. This has helped to form the belief that we must live in a house that is completely aseptic. We also expect our products to work harder in less time. We want perfect results instantly, don’t we? If we pause to reflect critically on the way we clean our homes, most likely we’ll realise how many things we take for granted.

Poisons in our Homes

Research conducted in Europe and the US has confirmed that domestic pollution is often higher and more concentrated than that found in nature. In the process of trying to eliminate bacteria from the surfaces of our kitchens and bathrooms, we find ourselves immersed in solvent fumes and volatile chemicals. We keep our children away from our detergents, but allow them to crawl over the floors that we’ve washed with those same products. Where’s the logic in that?

Some people are very careful about what they eat, and make sure to buy only organic foods – but then they wash their clothes with chemical detergents and fabric softeners that are highly toxic and polluting. We tend to forget how easily the skin absorbs the substances it comes into contact with – it’s not a wetsuit, people!

It’s not only our own health we should be thinking about. The environment around us is constantly threatened by the use of detergents that are crammed with synthetics (petrochemicals, parabens, SLS, perfumes, colourants… the list of crap goes on and on). We can help to reduce this toxic load by switching to natural cleaning detergents.

A More Natural Approach

These natural cleaning essentials have antibacterial properties, and can be used to keep your house clean without all the unnecessary toxins:

  • White vinegar
  • Natural salt
  • Lemons
  • Baking soda
  • Liquid castile soap
  • Borax

If you’re not quite ready to go the DIY route just yet, there are some great natural and biodegradable cleaning ranges on the market today. Just make sure you read the ingredient lists before purchasing. Look out for certifications too, to make sure you’re getting the real deal.

Bonus Tip: Once you start choosing natural cleaning products, go one step further and start looking at the packaging those products come in. Biodegradable and recyclable materials are the cleaner alternative to plastic detergent bottles.

Let’s start the new year afresh, with a natural cleaning regime for a healthier, toxin-free home!

Ren xx