Attention, nature-loving babes! Here’s everything you need to know about the healing beauty of chamomile essential oil.

  • BOTANICAL NAME: Chamomile recutita, Matricaria chamomile, Matricaria recutita
  • FAMILY: Compositae
  • EXTRACTION: from the flowers and the plant
  • PROCESS: distillation
  • ORIGIN: Europe

Fab Fact: Chamomile’s curative effects have been widely known since the dawn of time. In Mesopotamia, it was called “the gift of the meadows.” In ancient Egypt, chamomile was revered for its virtues – so much so that it was consecrated to the Sun god, Horus.

Chamomile essential oil is obtained from distilled flowers and part of the plant. It’s a delicate, high-quality oil that eases feelings of stress, agitation, headaches or insomnia. It can also alleviate skin problems, and soothe digestive troubles.

Properties of Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is naturally anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic. It has calming properties and even has a mild sedative effect. It’s also a great digestive tonic.

Uses for Chamomile Oil

Chamomile can be used to treat the a whole range of inflammatory conditions and other health issues:

  • Headaches & migraines
  • Indigestion
  • Colic
  • Gas
  • Diarrhoea & stomach upsets
  • Period cramps
  • Inflamed skin & eczema
  • Skin irritation
  • Rheumatic pain
  • Stress & depressed moods
  • Insomnia

DIY Chamomile Cures

To treat a headache: Add 2-3 drops of chamomile essential oil to your bath, or apply a cold water compress with 1 drop of chamomile to your forehead and neck.

For menstrual cramps, PMS, nausea or constipation: Drink 1 drop of FOOD GRADE chamomile diluted in a glass of warm water (take 10-20 drops a day if necessary). A natural chamomile tea will also work wonders for these issues.

To treat the skin: Add 5 drops of chamomile to a natural lotion that’s been formulated especially for sensitive, dry or reddened skin. You can use this to treat dry and irritated skin, rosacea or acne. It’s also good for eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and fungal infections. Chamomile lotion is wonderfully soothing on sunburned skin. Its regenerative properties even soften the appearance of wrinkles.

To soothe teething troubles or tantrums: Chamomile is a great helper for natural mamas to have around. It greatly eases teething pains in your tot, and you can add a few drops to the water at bath-time to calm an irritable, fussy mood.

NB: Please note that while essential oils are natural, they are very potent. Just a few drops in your diffuser or bath water is plenty. Always dilute your essential oil with a carrier oil before applying to your skin. DO NOT ingest essential oils that are not classified as food grade.

Happy healing, beautiful ones!

Ren xx